Thursday, July 15, 2021

Be the Best Version of Yourself


Be the Best Version of Yourself

A little old story for starters,

    One day in a forest there were 2 woodcutters, the young and the old. They decide to have a small match, to see who can cut down more trees. The Young Man was very confident and he believed he could easily win over the Old Man.

    The match begins, there are no special conditions to win, whoever can cut more trees is the winner. They work on opposite sides of the hill, so they can hear each other's voices but can't see the person's progress. At work, the young man often hears the old man talking to himself, indicating that he is resting. Hearing the voice he returned the spirit to win the match.

    The afternoon came, their match was finally over. To determine who won, they counted the number of tree blocks they had cut down. The young man was surprised when he found out that the number of trees the old man had cut down was more than him. He asked, “How did you win? Though I heard that you often rest". The Old Man denied it and replied, “You think I rest? I sharpened my axe".

From the story above, we can draw conclusions about the importance of where every time we want to jump in and do something we need a preparation that can be an opening in dealing with everything so that we do not only work hard but work effectively and efficiently.

If we take some points can be described as follows:

1.Keep Your Equipment in Good Condition

People's mistakes in doing work usually occur because the condition of the equipment is not in good condition, this causes many problems that will occur if we continue to use it without fixing it first.

Equipment here can be likened to our body and brain, they are the most important asset we have. If both are "broken" it will cause a lot of problems in the future. It's all about how we take care of ourselves, because they are the equipment we need to do any task.

2.Keep Improve

The story above teaches us to continue to improvise and innovate where we can see, the old man who already knows how to do the task in a more effective way. He got this way by doing various ways and doing it over and over again.

As in the quote, "You are never done making things better", if something has been implemented then there must be a better way to do it. There's no such thing as a perfect name and no best way to do things, because there's bound to be a better, better way.

3. Strong Consistency

Like every job, if we do it over and over again without giving up, then success is right in front of our eyes. Likewise, from the story above, every swing of the old man's ax has many experiences he has gone through and also many obstacles he has gone through.

It was this strong consistency that allowed him to win the match, this taught that time is the friend of the process. There is no instant success and no effective new ways or innovations can be achieved in an instant. Therefore, sharpening our "weapons" continuously is a very important thing in this life.

Time spent in sharpening the axe may well be spared from swinging it. – Josia Strong. 1901

What is Self Development ?

Self development or which has the meaning of self development is a willingness or determination to improve the quality of oneself so as to improve the quality of relationships between people around them. Self development does not look at who the person is, regardless of age, and whatever the circumstances, all things related to self development must be carried out and developed throughout life.

There are many ways that can be done to improve self-development capabilities, one of which is to continue to learn about how to build self-development so as not to be left behind from the progress of the times that continue to change over time. Due to the development of science and technology, there will be more and more changes that indirectly require everyone to always adapt. Here are 5 main things to build self development:

1. Building Self Awareness

Building self-awareness is the most basic step in the process of developing self-quality. A person needs to know himself well, including in terms of recognizing his own strengths and weaknesses. By knowing it and looking at the circumstances around us, we will know all the advantages and disadvantages that we have whether it needs to be developed or improved.

2. Know Your Goals

After realizing how important it is to improve the quality of oneself, then one must have a picture of what kind of life will be achieved in the future. By having a clear purpose in life we ​​will definitely be more enthusiastic about living our daily lives. Especially in setting targets or life goals, it is the most important part so as not to be left behind in an era that continues to develop rapidly like now.

3. Continuously Improve Ability

In this world there is no perfect human, because every human being has advantages and disadvantages of each. It is not wrong if everyone feels they have enough ability to be able to work well. However, it would be nice if the capabilities that have been owned continue to be improved and developed again.

4. Ready to Accept Criticism

No matter how good a person is, they still cannot fully judge themselves. Therefore, trying to accept suggestions and criticism from others is the right way in the process of improving yourself. Think of the criticism as a bonus from the self-development process that is being improved.

5. Socializing and Expanding Relationships

For this one point we must be careful. In terms of relating or socializing with other people can help us in a better direction, but on the other hand it can also lead us to failure. That's why it's important to put yourself in an environment filled with positive people.

Need for self-development

As we know, humans will definitely grow, whether from the mind, logically, or physically. Everyone definitely needs something called development because it can improve their quality, if we can't grow, then we will become useless, we can be likened to an axe, if the axe is blunt, the axe will not cut anything and will become useless items, but if we continue to polish the axe, sharpen the axe until it is sharp, the axe will be useful so it will be used often.

It's the same with humans, if we don't develop we will be left behind by others, it's different if we often learn new things, look for new things, it will make us grow. The way to develop is not in one way, as with an axe, a way to sharpen an axe, it can be with paper files, with whetstone (sharpening stone), with river stones, and others. Likewise with self-development, it doesn't have to be in a certain field because everyone is different whether it's their passion or their talent. this term is usually called "All roads lead to Rome, There is a will, there is a way".

In addition to preparing for development, of course it must be implemented, because a plan without realization is just nonsense. These are tips on how you can grow.

Leave the Comfort Zone

Of course you will be very happy with the lay down mode and the time to relax, but that just makes you like a dull axe because your skills are never honed. You should avoid these activities as much as possible, look for activities that can at least increase your knowledge or new experiences.

Create a Target

If you have future plans, you have to set targets, whether you want to enter the desired campus, enter work according to your passion. By making a target you will get a new challenge, whether in any case. That way you unconsciously practice so that your abilities increase from before.

Trust the Process

As much as possible you have to be patient because starting changes in yourself is not easy, just be patient and enjoy the process.

Record Your Progress 

It would be great if you record the progress of what is happening, by noting what has just been learned, so that you will be aware of the progress that is happening.

Review and Revise All Targets/Plans

After successfully achieving the target or successfully carrying out the plan that was made, you have to revise what made the plan or target hampered, or if the plan or target fails, you can review why it failed to be achieved and then recreate the plan with a more mature plan .

So how's it going? Do you still want to just stay at home lying relaxed while the others focus on pursuing their respective targets, hopefully by reading this blog you can be helped in the process of developing yourself :D


